Great Bear Foundation
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Missoula, Montana, dedicated to the conservation of the eight species of bears and their habitat around the world.
Big Victory for Alaska’s Chilkat Valley
December 4th, 2024
Big Victory for Alaska’s Chilkat Valley: Palmer Mine De-funded!
DOWA Divests from the Palmer Project
We have some amazing news from the Chilkat Valley in Southeast Alaska: DOWA—the Japanese smelter company that was funding the proposed Palmer Mine—has abandoned the project!
The Palmer Project is a proposed multi-metals mine at the headwaters of the Chilkat Watershed, one of the most biologically diverse watersheds in all of Alaska, home to black and brown bears, the largest seasonal population of bald eagles, and the communities of Klukwan and Haines. If it were to advance to underground exploration, the Palmer Project would pollute the Chilkat Watershed with heavy metals and acid mine drainage forever. But thanks to your help, the project is de-funded.
Thanks to you, we and our partners have driven DOWA from the Chilkat Valley—a major win in our battle against this mine.
With your help, we’ve put tremendous pressure on DOWA—the company that until now owned the majority stake in the project and provided virtually all of the funding—to divest from the project. We’ve done this in the form of email alerts organizing supporters like you to contact DOWA asking them to divest, traditional and social media campaigns demonstrating significant opposition to the mine, public demonstrations in support of protecting the Chilkat, and organizing our supporters to participate in the public process to oppose permits for mine development.
We’ve been fighting to protect the Chilkat Valley from the Palmer Mine for years. And this good news provides some much-needed fuel for the hard work ahead. It’s time to celebrate this win.
But the fight isn’t over yet: American Pacific—the Canadian corporation operating the project—will continue to apply for permits and will spin this news as positive for them in a desperate attempt to attract new investors. We’ll have to be diligent in opposing those permits, standing up for the Chilkat Watershed, and broadcasting to potential investors that the Palmer Project is a bad investment.
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Your gift will help us shore up this win and protect the Chilkat Valley from mining impacts.
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