Great Bear Foundation
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Missoula, Montana, dedicated to the conservation of the eight species of bears and their habitat around the world.
Double your donation thanks to Patagonia
December 3rd, 2019
Last week, we got some exciting news from our sponsors at Patagonia, who have generously funded our Bears & Apples program for several years. As part of their environmental philanthropy program, they will match all donations made to the Great Bear Foundation through our Patagonia Action Works profile page now through the end of 2019!We are so grateful for all of our supporters, whether you donate money or time, enroll in one of our field courses, participate in public process to protect bear habitat, or help to spread the word about our work through social media. Thank you for supporting our work on behalf of the bears and their habitats.
This year, you helped us to remove bear attractants from residential areas, work with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks’ data to map bear occurrences and prioritize our bear attractant removal efforts, provide free bear safety and ecology programs to students and communities, and advocate for endangered species protections. Thanks to you, we were able to hire seasonal staff again this year to help with our bear attractant management programs! We had a record apple year in Western Montana this year, so we are especially grateful to everyone who helped us pick fruit to keep the bears out of trouble!
You helped to protect bear habitat in Southeast Alaska’s Chilkat Valley this year. Thanks to your support, the Great Bear Foundation has been part of a coalition that succeeded in getting the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to remand a waste management permit for the Constantine Palmer Mine that threatens important bear and wild salmon habitat in the Chilkat Valley.
Your support also helped our executive director, Shannon Donahue to travel to McNeil River State Game Sanctuary and Katmai National Park to witness how the world’s largest seasonal brown bear population will be affected if the proposed Pebble Mine becomes a reality. Shannon engaged with visitors to McNeil River and Katmai to talk about the threats, and spoke with Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski face to face on the need to reform the 1872 Mining Act to better protect communities and wildlife habitat from the threats of hard rock mines on public lands.
Your support is the key to our success. We understand that in these times, there are many important causes to support, and we appreciate your choice to support bear conservation. Thank you for your generous and loyal contribution to our work on behalf of bears and their habitats worldwide.
See our Archives for all past news and our Blog for recent news.